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October 24, 2017


Don't impeach! Pence is worse than Trump.

I address this to all Democratic members of both houses of Congress.

As a committed fact-hugging detester of Donald Trump, and one who firmly believes he lacks the essential qualities of intellect, discipline and character required to wrap burgers, let alone serve as president of the glee club, not to mention – he’s mentally ill – I hereby paraphrase a James Brown classic while draping you in a majestic glittering cape of liberty:

          Please Please Please Please
          Baby, please don’t go and impeach Donald Trump

Don’t even discuss it in private except to denigrate the very idea as an act of national suicide.

Because he’s mentally disturbed. And he lacks the essential qualities of intellect, discipline and character to wrap burgers, let alone serve as president of the glee club.

That’s why he’ll continue to gunk up the legislative process by feuding with his own team. And be willfully ignorant of policy detail while boasting of his complete mastery of policy detail. His tactical gaffs, and opinion pivots will help preserve our liberty. He’s likely to derail a significant portion of the legislative damage that can come out of his term. Yes, it’s true… those same qualities can launch a nuclear apocalypse. But that might not happen.

If removed from office, he’d be replaced by Mike Pence, a well-trained donor-doggie and ideological conjoined twin of Jeff Sessions. He’s clinically not technically insane, though he does call his spouse, Mommy. But we can rest assured he never grabs her by the pussy. He has social skills and his teeth-grinding pleasant disposition masks a gargantuan ambition so he’s far more likely to oversee the deregulation of predatory business, banking and pollution for profit practices; and end reproductive rights for women. While increasing regulation of drug use and gender identification. With a second term he may succeed in officially delivering the United States Constitution to Jesus. I’m very very serious.

The only way we’ll survive the next few years and their potential aftermath is to restrain our hysteria and laser-focus the passion of our rage into some strategic smartitude.

— Polar Levine, News Goo Dissection, October 24, 2017

© Polar Levine 2017 content should not be reproduced elsewhere without prior permission

Polar Levine

working class college dropout who loves to learn, poke his biases and waste time looking around